Have You Got A Self-Administered Pension with Cash on Deposit?

Most Business Owners with Self-Administered Pensions set them up originally to purchase property in their Pension.

These Property based Pensions have done quite well over the past decade but are now facing three big challenges:

  • New Pension rules introduced last year prohibit you from investing more than 50% of your Pension into Property
  • Many investors are now beginning to think that we are getting towards the end of the current property cycle and continued investment in property is looking less attractive
  • You have Cash on Deposit in your Pension Fund getting a negative deposit rate which is reducing the value of your Pension, especially as high inflation is now a new reality which we all must accept

So, what can you so with Cash on Deposit in your Pension?

If further Property investment is not allowed, and leaving it on Deposit is also ruled out, then you are going to have to consider investing in some form of fund with stock market exposure. That’s not to say you are looking at a fund with 100% stock market exposure, rather a fund with a mix of equities, bonds, commodities, etc…

How have these Funds performed?

There are literally thousands of Funds available but one such example is the ‘Zurich Prisma 4 Fund’ operated by Zurich Life.

This fund has made +48% over the past 3 years *, which is impressive.

This is just one example of a range of investment funds we have available for Pension, Corporate and Personal Investors.

If you would like to learn more, please get in touch on 01 5267770 or email mcoburn@guardianwealth.ie

Michael Coburn BBS, QFA, FLIA, LCOI, RPA, SIA

Dublin: 01 5267770
Wexford: 053 9110380
Facebook: www.facebook.com/guardianwealthireland

*Source: Longboat Analytics 3rd Jan 2019 to 3rd Jan 2022. Performance data quoted on a bid to bid basis i.e. the price investors sell units. Gross of Annual Management Charge.
The Zurich Prisma 4 Fund is considered a medium to high-risk fund and therefore it only suits investors with a corresponding risk appetite or perhaps to diversify a larger portfolio.
Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these funds you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
Warning: The funds may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates